Cedar Point West

The Cedar Point West property in Dorneyville has recently go through a major redevelopment. Wawa has now opened their new convenience store on the northwest corner of Cedar Crest Blvd. and Hamilton Blvd. ByPass. The traffic count on this corner exceeds over 35,000 cars per day making this an ideal location for Wawa. In addition, we have added a new Wendy’s which is located aside the existing Carrabba’s Restaurant and is now open.
The existing Office Depot building has gone through a major renovation. Office Depot now occupies 18,100 sq. ft. of the building. We are happy to announce that our new tenant, The Mortgage Company, has moved into the remaining 8,100 sq. ft. and opened their doors for business in March 2017.
480 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18103
Municipality: South Whitehall Township
County: Lehigh
Redevelopoment of site now complete
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Freestanding buildings:
- Office Depot and The Mortgage Company
- Carrabba’s Italian Grill
- New Wendy’s
- Wawa
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